Peter McNulty



Five Strategies to Put Marketing Tech Where It Belongs -- Connecting to Consumers

Ask any marketer whether marketing tech is helping him do great work, and you're likely to get an exasperated sigh, with complaints that too much tech is too detached from his day-in-day-out world. The sheer number of mobile, data or analytics ventures leaves a fragmented, fussy, black-box tangle of platforms that is way out of proportion to what any individual or the industry can possibly absorb. This chaos explains a shift by advertisers to agencies that can help them make sense of it all. Here are five strategies that agencies are using to put marketing tech where it belongs -- in the service of helping brands make connections to consumers.

  1. Transform routine "advertising moments" into consumer moments.
  2. Adapt for effective agile marketing. 
  3. Know how to scale with relevancy. 
  4. Reclaim trust as king of the marketing kingdom.
  5. Celebrate the human element. 

By Judy Shapiro.

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peter mcnulty