Peter McNulty



What is Product Design?

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This frequently misunderstood field is in need of a proper definition. 

Chances are, if you are reading this, you work in the tech industry. Chances are, you are currently, have recently, or aspire to be involved in the creation of a modern digital product. This article aims to give you a deep understanding of the role of Product Design in this process. The answer to what it means to be a Product Designer is constantly evolving. This is my attempt at conveying the breadth, wealth, and utility of this sadly underestimated role.

To understand what Product Design can do, we need to look at the various forms of design that make up a good Product Designer, how they fit together, and, as if assimilated by the Borg, what they can do when working in concert.

Interaction or UX Designers investigate behavioral patterns and explore the myriad ways in which a particular application might solve a pre-identified user need. These people can create and iterate on solutions faster than most.

Graphic or Visual Designers do what everyone who isn’t a designer thinks all designers do. Pixels! They create beautiful masterpieces of color and depth as they toe the line between positive and negative space. These designers work with drawing tablets. They carry notebooks without lines. Visual Designers put the skeuomorphism into and then out of iOS.

Motion or Animation Designers are the cool ones. If you’re oohing and aahing over that slick menu transition or the way that awesome loading animation comes alive, it’s these guys who get the credit.

User Researchers are the real champions of users’ needs. They delve into the mind of your customers. They ask the difficult questions, and take all the difficult answers. User Research gets to the bottom of everything. The user is always right.

Data Analysts are the scientists of Product Design. They manage A/B tests and live products, collecting and making sense of enormous amounts of data. They are the masters of correlation and causation. These are the guys who announce the winning concept. The verdict comes from a jury of millions of users.

Prototypers craft interactive experiences quickly and with ease. This is an integral part of the product development phase. Prototypes enable us to test our ideas quickly and cheaply. To within days or even hours, go from fifteen potential solutions, to five, to three.

Business Strategists are the ones that at the end of the day answer the question “Why are we really doing this?”. They identify the business value behind every decision. In order for what you’re building to ultimately be successful it is imperative that you understand why you’re building it.

Classically, these have all been individual roles. All of them still are. However, they are also all necessary components of an individual Product Designer.

The times they are a changing. Especially within the tech industry, it is becoming increasingly important to broaden our skills as designers, embracing ones previously thought superfluous. Even ones that don’t exist yet.

Product Design is the whole process... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
peter mcnulty