Peter McNulty



False urgency...

"To my experience, the biggest challenge is what’s hiding in plain sight: false urgency… Everything is a fire drill. When I was younger, I loved a good fire drill. It meant free dinners. Beers. And some Call of Duty. I had all night to solve the problem. Now - and I think we can all admit it’s because of age - I just want to get home. So I’ve trained myself to work smarter. Faster. More efficiently. The danger here is that you’re not seen putting in the nights and weekends. You’re only seen heading for the exit at 6PM. Assumptions are made. Resentment builds. But the quality of our work is the great equalizer. And if my work wins the day, those assumptions fall away. Resentment fades. And all is good. Priorities change. Goals don’t.”

peter mcnulty